All ESRs will be hosted by world-class universities and research groups. They will be enrolled as PhD students at their hosting or partner institution. As such, they will have the possibility to attend all courses and lectures offered by their institutions on the PhD and Master level. Partner insistution for IIT, Hoekmine BV and Natural History Museum London are respectively: 

·       Politecnico di Milano, Department of Physics

·       University of Applied Sciences Utrecht, Innovative Testing in Life Sciences & Chemistry

·       University College London, Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology

To ensure that the training of ESRs has relevance beyond the academic world and to better prepare ESRs for jobs in Europe’s industry, BEEP involves a variety of non-academic partners and beneficiaries. A SME (HOEKMINE) will provide training in entrepreneurship, company operations and intellectual property, while another partner (NHM) will provide a strong platform for training ESRs in outreach activities. Science Made Simple  will provide additional topical outreach training as described above. The industrial partners (BP and TESCAN) will provide secondment opportunities for ESRs, and will participate in the annual network meetings and in training modules.​