Dr. Silvia Vignolini

Bio-inspired Photonics Group, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK


Vignolini lab website

Dr. Bruno Jesus

Remote Sensing and Benthic Ecology (RSBE) team, Laboratoire MMS, Université de Nantes, FR


Jesus Lab website

Prof. Guglielmo Lanzani

Center for Nanoscience and Technology (CNST), Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Techologia, IT


Lanzani Lab website

Prof. Juliet Brodie

Department of Life Sciences, The Natural History Museum London, UK


Brodie Lab website

Prof. Franco Cacialli

Department of Physics, University College London, UK


Cacialli lab website

Prof. Luisa De Cola

Department of Chemistry, University of Strasbourg, FR


De Cola lab website

Prof. Gianluca Farinola

Department of Chemistry, University of Bari, IT


Farinola lab website

Dr. Colin Ingham

SME, Hoekmine BV, Utrecht NL


Ingham lab website

Prof. Michael Kühl

Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, DK


Kühl lab website